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Quiz A - Physiological Basis of Human Development

A Short Quiz on the Physiological Basis of Human Growth and Development
(General Psychology / Introduction To Psychology)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This quiz consists of 3 pages.

PART I - Items 1 - 5 : MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.

_____ 1. It acts as a relay station that transmit sensory messages to the cortex. This "relay station" is the:

A. spinal cord
B. brain stem
C. medulla oblongata
D. thalamus

_____ 2. These neurons transmit messages from the receptors to the brain and spinal cord. These neurons are the:

A. association neurons
B. afferent neurons
C. motor neurons
D. internuncial neurons

_____ 3. When a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, the result is an organism called the:

A. embryo
B. fetus
C. zygote
D. ovum

_____ 4. Smooth muscles are found in the:

A. legs
B. arms
C. heart
D. stomach

_____ 5. The testes secrete androgen while the ovaries secrete:

A. insulin
B. adrenalin
C. thyroxin
D. estrogens

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