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Quiz B - Sensation, Perception, Consciousness

A Short Quiz on Sensation, Perception and States of Consciousness
(General Psychology / Introduction To Psychology)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This quiz consists of 3 pages.

PART I - Items 1 - 10 : MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.

_____ 1. Sound waves travel from the middle ear to the inner ear via the:

A. semi-circular canal
B. auditory canal
C. oval window
D. tympanum

_____ 2. Achromatic colors include the following except:

A. red
B. gray
C. white
D. black

_____ 3. Amphetamine is to stimulant as heroine is to:

A. sedative
B. narcotic
C. depressant
D. psychedelic

_____ 4. The amplitude of the sound wave corresponds to:

A. loudness
B. timbre
C. pitch
D. frequency

_____ 5. The location of the taste buds most sensitive to sweet taste is the:

A. tip of the tongue
B. side of the tongue
C. base of the tongue
D. top of the tongue

_____ 6. The sense of seeing is to vision as the sense of taste is to:

A. audition
B. gustation
C. olfaction
D. none of the above

_____ 7. Which item does not belong to the group?:

A. cones
B. color receptor
C. rods
D. receptors for light of normal intensity

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