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Beginning Quiz - Introduction, Human Growth, Intelligence

Beginning Quiz - Introduction to Psychology, Human Growth and Development and Intelligence
(General Psychology / Introduction To Psychology)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This quiz consists of 3 pages.

PART I - Items 1 - 10 : MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.

_____ 1. This method of research uses the questionnaire to obtain data from a sample of a population. This method is called:

A. clinical method
B. survey method
C. case-history method
D. experimental method

_____ 2. Phenomenological approach is to psychoanalysis as behaviorism is to:

A. stimulus-response psychology
B. gestalt
C. introspection
D. meditation

_____ 3. According to Erikson, this is the trait that a child is most likely to develop during the school age. This is the sense:

A. trust
B. industry
C. initiative
D. accomplishment

_____ 4. A science student obtained I.Q. scores of 125 and 128 in the same test that was administered on two different occasions. The test is said to be:

A. valid
B. reliable
C. not valid
D. not reliable

_____ 5. "To find partners in friendship, work and love" is a developmental task that arises during:

A. middle adulthood
B. late childhood
C. early adulthood
D. adolescence

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