A Short Quiz on Needs,
Drives and Motives
(General Psychology
/ Introduction To Psychology)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The quiz consists of 3 pages.
IDENTIFICATION - Each number contains a descriptive example of a need, drive
or motive. Identify or name the need or motive associated with each description. Write the answer corresponding to the item
number on your sheet of paper. For example:
_____air hunger_____ 1. Anoxia
____________________ 1. A student dreams of becoming a famous writer.
____________________ 2. A skilled worker spends much time and effort in his
work in order to master his craft.
____________________ 3. An explorer finds satisfaction in discovering new territories.
____________________ 4. A man engages in sexual intercourse with a prostitute.
____________________ 5. A teacher wants to be promoted in his job and seeks
higher education.
____________________ 6. An employee takes his lunch break.
____________________ 7. An elementary grader builds up his collection of old