A Self-Study Guide to General
(General Psychology /
Introduction To Psychology)
I. Introduction to
A. Know the Etymological and Modern Definitions of Psychology.
B. Know the
Goals of Psychology.
C. Describe the different Schools of Psychology and know their proponents.
1. Structuralism
2. Functionalism
3. Gestalt Psychology
4. Behaviorism
5. Psychoanalysis
6. Cognitive Psychology
7. Humanistic Psychology
D. Describe the various Fields of Psychology.
1. Social Psychology
2. Counseling Psychology
3. Educational Psychology
4. Developmental
5. Personality Psychology
6. Industrial Psychology
7. Clinical Psychology
8. Psychometrics
9. Others
E. Explain the
uses of the Methods of Research.
1. Survey Method
2. Observation Method
3. Experimental Method
4. Clinical Method
5. Interview Method
Know the Important People in Psychology and their contributions.
1. Aristotle
2. Rene Descartes
3. Thomas Hobbes
4. Ernst Weber
5. Hermann von Helmholtz
6. Charles Darwin
7. Gustav Fechner
8. Sir Francis Galton
9. Wilhelm Wundt
10. William James
11. Edward Titchener
12. Edward Thorndike
13. Sigmund Freud
14. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon
15. Ivan Pavlov
16. William McDougall
17. John B. Watson
18. Wolfgang Kohler
19. B. F. Skinner
20. Jean Piaget
21. Others