Topical Sports/Olympic Stamps
1. France: 1964 - Tokyo Olympics - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 0.50)
2. France: 1968 - Mexico Olympics - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 0.50)
3. France: 1972 - Sapporo Winter Olympics - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 0.50)
4. France: 1972 - Munich Olympics - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 0.50)
5. Japan: 1995 - 50th National Athletic Meet and Cycling - Set of 1v. ----- ( $
6. Japan: 1995 - 18th Universaide Sports and Running - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 1.50)
7. Japan: 1997 - Synchronized Swimming - Set of 1v. ----- ( $ 1.25)
8. Japan: 1998 - Volleyball World Championship - Set of 4v. se-tenant strip -----
( $ 5.00)
9-A. Russia (U.S.S.R.) - 1977-1980 - Moscow Olympics - 7 s/s - ( $12.00)
9-B. Russia (U.S.S.R.): 1980 - Moscow Olympics, Track and Field Events - Set
of 10v. ----- ( $ 4.00)
10. Spain: 1990 - Summer Olympics (Weightlifting, Field Hockey and Judo) - Set of 3v.
----- ( $ 2.00)
11. Spain: 1991 - Summer Olympics (Athletes, Kayaking and Rowing) - Set of 3v. -----
( $ 2.00)
12. Spain: 1991 - Summer Olympics (Tennis, Table Tennis and Shooting) - Set of 3v. -----
( $ 2.25)