Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1996
January 8, 1996: Philippine Flag With National Symbols Definitives VII (Revalued With "1995"
Date) - Set of Se-tenant Block of 14 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 13 1/2
/ Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 14 and 1,541,840)
January 10, 1996: 23rd International Congress Of Internal Medicine - Set of 1 Stamp
(Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and 325,000)
January 26, 1996: Sunlife Assurance Company Of Canada (Philippines), 100th Anniversary -
Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and
P8.00 ----- 1,680,000 and 317,500 respectively)
February 9, 1996: Greeting Stamps V And Happy Valentine (Valentine's Day )- Set of
3 Se-tenant Pairs and 1 Pair with Continuous Design (P6.00 and P6.00) (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 /
Denomination and Quantity: P2.00-and-P2.00, P6.00-and-P6.00, P7.00-and-P7.00, P8.00-and-P8.00 ----- _____; 323,000; 319,000
and 324,000 respectively)
February 12 - March 1, 1996: Philippine Flag With National Symbols Definitives VIII (Reissues
With "1996" Date) - Set of 4 Stamps and 1 Se-tenant Block of 14 Stamps (Definitive Issue
/ Perforation: 13 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: P1.00, P1.50, P3.00, P5.00 and P4.00 x 14 ----- 12,555,600;
8,449,600; 17,207,000; 23,301,000 and 3,632,830 respectively / Date of Issue: P1.00 and P5.00 - February 12; P1.50 - February
13; P3.00 - March 1; P4.00 x 14 (block) - February 19)
March 5, 1996: University Of Santo Tomas (UST) Hospital, 50th Anniversary - Set of 1 Stamp
(Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and 320,000)
March 5, 1996: Gregorio Araneta University Foundation, 50th Anniversary - Set of 1
Stamp (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and 319,500)
March 12, 1996: Philippine Marine Aquarium Fishes I - Set of 1 Se-tenant Strip of 5 Stamps
(Blue), 1 Se-tenant Strip of 5 Stamps (Red), and 2 Souvenir Sheets (Special Issue / Perforation: 14
/ Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 5 (blue), P4.00 x 5 (red), P12.00 and P16.00 (P4.00 x 4) ----- 311,850; 313,950; 26,740
and 26,595 respectively)
March 15, 1996: Young Philatelists' Society (YPS), 10th Anniversary - Set of 1 Overprint
Souvenir Sheet (with Block of 4 Stamps) of the 1992 Rare and Endangered Philippine Birds Issue (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P8.00 (P2.00 x 4) and 18,400)
March 21, 1996: INDONESIA '96, World Philatelic Youth Exhibition - Set of 2
Souvenir Sheets of the Marine Aquarium Fishes I Issue with Additional Inscription and Exhibition Emblem
(Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P12.00 and P16.00 (P4.00 x 4) ----- 21,100 and
20,543 respectively)
April 14, 1996: Palarong Pambansa '96 (National Games '96) - Set of 1 Overprint
Souvenir Sheet of the SEA Games Issue of 1993 (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity:
P10.00 and 9,750)
April 14, 1996 - Palarong Pambansa '96 |

Overprint Souvenir Sheet Of National Games '96 |
April 19, 1996: Philippine Flag With National Symbols Definitives IX (Reissues With "1996"
Date) - Set of 3 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 13 1/2 / Denomination and
Quantity: P7.00, P8.00 and P10.00 ----- 10,184,600; 13,284,600 and 2,478,600 respectively)
April 30, 1996: Discovery Of Radioactivity, 100th Anniversary - Set of 1 Stamp
(Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 325,000)
April 30, 1996: Francisco Ortigas, Sr. - Set of 1 Stamp
(__ Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 320,000)
April 30, 1996: Congregation Of Dominican Sisters Of St. Catherine Of Siena, 300 Years
In The Philippines - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity:
P4.00 and 320,000)
May 10, 1996: Philippine Marine Aquarium Fishes II - Set of 1 Se-tenant Strip of 5 Stamps
(Green), 1 Se-tenant Strip of 5 Stamps (Blue), and 2 Souvenir Sheets (Special Issue / Perforation:
14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 5 (green), P4.00 x 5 (blue), P16.00 (P4.00 x 4; block of 4 stamps) and P16.00
(P4.00 x 4; strip of 4 stamps) ----- 320,690; 321,900; 31,875 and 31,700 respectively)
May 18, 1996: CHINA '96, 9th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition - Set
of 2 Souvenir Sheets of the Marine Aquarium Fishes II Issue with Additional Inscription and Exhibition Emblem (Special
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P16.00 (P4.00 x 4; block of 4 stamps) and P16.00 (P4.00 x 4; strip
of 4 stamps) -----31,375 and 31,280 respectively)
June 1, 1996: Decade Of Filipino Nationalism - VIII (Great Filipinos Type
Of 1989) - Set of Se-tenant Strip of 5 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 13 3/4 x 13
1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 5 and 310,640)
June 12, 1996: Centenary Of Philippine Independence Series IV; 1896 Philippine Revolution -
Set of 1 Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 13 1/2 / Denomination
and Quantity: P16.00 (P4.00 x 4) and 32,000)
June 13, 1996: ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, 50th Anniversary - Set of 2
Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and P8.00 ----- 321,250 and
322,500 respectively)
June 24, 1996: Convention City, Manila - Set of 1 Stamp (Special
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 312,500)
July 3, 1996: Jose Cojuangco, Birth Centenary - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 307,500)
July 4, 1996: Philippine-American Friendship Day, 50th Anniversary - Set
of 2 Stamps and 1 Souvenir Sheet (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity:
P4.00, P8.00 and P16.00 ----- 313,450; 318,100 and 26,900 respectively)
July 19, 1996: Centenary Of Modern Olympic Games - Set of 4 Stamps and
1 Souvenir Sheet (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00, P6.00, P7.00,
P8.00 and P16.00 (P4.00 x 4) ----- 407,200; 320,000; 321,600; 322,100 and 32,400 respectively)
August 15, 1996: University Of The East, 50th Anniversary - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 320,000)
September 20, 1996: Philippine Orchids - Set of 1 Se-tenant Block
of 4 Stamps (Light Orange), 1 Se-tenant Block of 4 Stamps (Green) and 1 Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps (Special Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 4 (light orange), P4.00 x 4 (green) and P16.00 (P4.00
x 4) ----- __, __ and __respectively)
September 30, 1996: 6th Aisa-Pacific International Trade Fair (ASPAT) -
Set of 1 Stamp (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 306,450)
October 9, 1996: United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 50th Anniversary
- Set of Se-tenant Block of 4 Stamps and 1 Souvenir Sheet (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination
and Quantity: P4.00 x 4 and P16.00 ----- 320,670 and 26,500 respectively)
October 21, 1996: Cattleyas (TAIPEI '96 Philatelic Exhibition) - Set of 1 Se-tenant
Block of 4 Stamps (Orange Sheet Margin), 1 Se-tenant Block of 4 Stamps (Pink Sheet Margin) and 1 Souvenir Sheet (Special
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 4 (orange sheet margin), P4.00 x 4 (pink sheet margin) and
P12.00 ----- 375,000; 375,000 and 25,000 respectively)
October 30, 1996: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit Meeting - Set
of 4 Stamps (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00, P6.00, P7.00 and
P8.00 ----- 324,750; 321,400; 316,400 and 326,600 respectively)
November 5, 1996: Christmas - Set of 4 Stamps (Special
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00, P6.00, P7.00 and P8.00 ----- 314,000; 317,950; 316,900 and 315,000
November 11, 1996: Speaker Eugenio Perez Birth Centenary - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 300,000)
November 21, 1996: Philippine Flag With National Symbols Definitives X (Reissue
With "1996" Date) - Set of 1 Stamp (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 13 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity:
P6.00 and 3,000,000)
December 1, 1996: New Year's Greeting Stamps And "1997 Year Of The Ox" - Set
of 2 Stamps, 1 Perforate Souvenir Sheet and 1 Imperforate Souvenir Sheet (Special Issue / Perforation:
14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00, P6.00, P10.00 (P4.00 and P6.00) and P10.00 (P4.00 and P6.00) ----- 300,000; 300,000;
30,000 and 30,000 respectively)
December 30, 1996 - Rizal Martyrdom Centennial |

First Day Cover (FDC) |
December 14 - 17, 1996: ASEANPEX '96, 7th ASEAN International Philatelic
Exhibition And: (Series I - Portraits Of Rizal; Series II - Historical Philippine Places In Rizal's
Life; Series III - Works Of Rizal; Series IV - Historical Places Abroad In Rizal's Life) - Set of 4 Se-tenant
Blocks of 4 Stamps each (16 Stamps for Series I-IV) and 4 Souvenir Sheets (1 for Each Series) (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 4 (se-tenant blocks), and P12.00 (souvenir sheets) ----- 150,000 each
and 20,000 each respectively)
December 20, 1996: Centenary Of Philippine Independence And GOMBURZA (Gomez,
Burgos And Zamora: Filipino Heroes) - Set of Se-tenant Strip of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 /
Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 x 3 and 270,000)
December 30, 1996: Rizal Martyrdom Centennial - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P4.00 and 310,000)
Updated: January 8, 2007
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