Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1947
(Text Description Only)
March 23 - August 1, 1947: First Definitives - Set of 7 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation:
12 / Denomination and Image: 4c <Rizal Monument>, 10c <Monument>, 12c <Jones Bridge>,
16c <Gate>, 20c <Mayon Volcano>, 50c and P1.00 <Palm Trees Along Road> / Date of Issue: 10c
and 20c - March 23; 12c, 16c, and 50c - June 19; 4c and P1.00 - August 1)
May 1, 1947: Manuel L. Quezon - Set of 1 Stamp (__ Issue / Perforation: 11
1/2 x 12 / Denomination and Image: 1c and <Profile of Manuel Quezon>)
July 4, 1947: First Anniversary Of The Republic - Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 4c, 6c and 16c ----- <President Manuel Roxas Oath-Taking>)
August 19, 1947: Quezon-Roosevelt Airmails - Set of 3 Stamps
(Airmail Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 6c, 40c and 80c ----- <Presidents Manuel Quezon and Franklin
Roosevelt with Philippine and American Flags at the Side>)
October 20, 1947: Postage Dues - Set of 4 Stamps (Postage
Due Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 3c, 4c, 6c and 10c ----- <Numerical Designs of the Denominations>)
November 24, 1947: Economic Commission In Asia And The Far East (ECAFE) Conference -
Set of 3 Perforate Stamps and 3 Imperforate Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: 12
1/2 or Imperf. / Denomination and Image: <Perf. and Imperf.> - 4c, 6c and 12c ----- <United Nations Emblem
and "ECAFE">)
November 28, 1947: National Philatelic Exhibition or NAPEX (Quezon Type Of May 1,
1947) - Set of 1 Imperforate Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: Imperforate
<Imperf.> / Denomination: 4c or 1c x 4)
December 22, 1947: Special Delivery - Set of 1 Stamp (Special
Delivery Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 20c and <Manila Central Post Office and
Postal Courier>)
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