Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1965
(Text Description Only)
February 28, 1965: Presidential Credo III (Elpidio Quirino) - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s and 30s ----- <Elpidio Quirino and Quoted
April 19, 1965: State Visit Of President Heirich Luebke Of The Federal Republic Of Germany
- Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 10s and 25s ----- <Presidents
Luebke and Macapagal>)
May 22, 1965: Meteorological Service Centenary - Set of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 20s and 50s ----- <Emblems of Manila Observatory and
Weather Bureau, and Satellite Disc>)
May 29, 1965: John F. Kennedy - Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation:
__ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 10s and 30s ----- <John F. Kennedy>)
June 12, 1965: Visit Of King Bhumibol Adulyadej And Queen Sirikit Of Thailand To The Philippines -
Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 x 13 / Denomination and Image: 2s, 6s and 30s ----- <Queen
Sirikit, King Bhumibol, and President Macapagal and First Lady>)
July 4, 1965: Visit Of Princess Beatrix Of The Netherlands - Set of 3 Stamps
(__ Issue / Perforation: 13 x 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 2s, 6s and 10s ----- <Princess
Beatrix and Mrs. Evangelina Macapagal>)
August 19, 1965: Anti-TB Semi-Postal Surcharged - Set of 2 Stamps (Denomination
and Image: 1s + 5s on 6s + 5s, and 3s + 5s on 6s +5s ----- <New Value on 6s + 5s Anti-TB Semi-Postal
Issue of 1964>)
October 4, 1965: 400th Anniversary Of The Christianization Of The Philippines - Set of 4
Stamps and 1 Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps (Commemorative <3c, 6c>, and Airmail <30c, 70c> Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 3c <Cross with Rosary held before Map>, 6c <Cross,
Map of the Philippines and Legaspi-Urdaneta Monument>, 30c <First Mass>, 70c <World Map, Two Sails and Sea
Route Philippines-Spain>, and P1.09 <3c, 6c, 30c and 70c - Same Images>)
November 25, 1965: MAPHILINDO (Malaysia-Philippines-Indonesia) Conference - Set of 3
Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 10s and 25s ----- <Presidents Sukarno
and Macapagal and Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman>)
December 5, 1965: 2nd Asian Cycling Championship - Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 10s and 25s ----- <Globe abd Cyclists>)
December 30, 1965: Marcos-Lopez Inauguration - Set of 2 Stamps (Denomination
and Image: 10s on 6s + 4s and 30s on 30s + 5s ----- <"MARCOS-LOPEZ INAUGURATION DEC. 30, 1965" Overprint
with New Value on Rizal Foundation Fund Semi-Postal Issue of 1962>)
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