The First Five Years Of the Republic Period, 1946 -
1950, And Philippine Topical Stamps
February 3, 1948: 3rd Anniversary, World War II Liberation (General Douglas McArthur) -
Set of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 4c,
6c and 16c ----- <Gen. Douglas McArthur>)
February 23, 1948: Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO) Conference - Set of 4
Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 2c, 6c and 18c,
and 40c <Airmail> ----- <Threshing of Rice>)
May 1 - May 28, 1948: Official Stamps I And II (Definitive Type Of 1947) - Set of 3 Stamps
(Definitive Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: <I> 4c and 10c, and <II> 16c -----
<"O.B." on Stamps of Definitive Type of 1947> / Date of Issue <I - "O.B."> 4c and 10c - May 1; <II - "O.B.">
16c - May 28)
June 19, 1948 |

Jose Rizal Definitive |
June 19, 1948: Jose Rizal Definitive - Set of 1 Stamp (Booklet Pane of 6 Stamps Exists) (Definitive Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 2c and <Portrait of Jose Rizal> / Date of Issue: 2c Stamp - June 19,
1948; 2c Booklet Pane - August 19, 1949)
July 15, 1948: Mourning For President Manuel Roxas - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 2c and 4c ----- <Manuel Roxas>)
October 31, 1948: Philippine Boy Scouts Silver Jubilee - Set of 2 Perforate Stamps
and 2 Imperforate Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: __ or Imperf. / Denomination
and Image: <Perf. and Imperf.> - 2c and 4c ----- <Boy Scout Saluting>)
December 8, 1948 - Flower Day |

Sampaguita |
December 8, 1948: Flower Day (Sampaguita, National Flower) - Set of 1 Stamp (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 3c and <Sampaguita Flower>)
December 30, 1948: Jose Rizal Official Stamp (Rizal Definitive Type Of June 19, 1948) -
Set of 1 Stamp (Type of June 19, 1948 with "O.B." Overprint)
January 23 - July 4, 1949: Official Stamps III And IV - Set of 2 Stamps
(20c and 50c of Definitive Type of 1947 with "O.B." Overprint / Date of Issue: 20c - July 4; 50c - January 23)
April 1, 1949: Library Rebuilding Fund Semi-Postal (Fund For The Restoration Of
Libraries Damaged During World War II) - Set of 3 Stamps (Semi-Postal Issue / Perforation: 12 /
Denomination and Image: 4c + 2c <_____>, 6c + 4c <St. Tomas and Doctrina Christiana>, and 18c
+ 7c <Noli Me Tangere Title on Cover>)
December 2, 1949 - Gen. Gregorio del Pilar |

October 9, 1949: Universal Postal Union (UPU), 75th Anniversary - Set of 3 Stamps
and 1 Imperforate Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 12 or Imperf. / Denomination
and Image: <Perf.> - 4c, 6c and 18c; and <Imperf.> - 28c (4c, 6c, and 18c) ----- <UPU Monument, Bern,
December 2, 1949: General Gregorio del Pilar, 50th Death Anniversary - Set
of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Image: 2c and
4c ----- <Gen. Gregorio del Pilar on Horse at Tirad Pass>)
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