Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1952-1953
January 31, 1952: Philippine Educational System, Golden Jubilee - Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and __)
March 17, 1952: Famous Filipinos I (Marcelo H. del Pilar Definitive and Official Stamps) -
Set of 2 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 5c "O.B."
----- __ and __)
May 1, 1952: Famous Filipinos II (Graciano Lopez Jaena Definitive) - Set of 1 Stamp (Definitive
Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and __)
October 23, 1952 |

Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council |
August 19, 1952: Fruit Tree Memorial Fund - Set of 2 Stamps (Semi-Postal Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c + 1c and 6c + 2c ----- __ and __)
October 23, 1952: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c ----- __ and __)
November 16, 1952: First PAN-ASIA Philatelic Exhibition (PANAPEX) - Set of 3
Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c, and 30c <Airmail>
----- __ and__, and __ respectively)
December 15, 1952: 3rd Lions District Convention - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c ----- __ and __)
March 27, 1953: National Language Week - Set of 1 Stamp (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and __)
April 30, 1953: Philippines International Fair - Set of 2 Stamp (__
Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c ----- __ and __)
October 5, 1953: Quirino-Sukarno State Visit - Set of 2 Stamps (__
Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c ----- __ and __)
November 30, 1953: Famous Filipinos III (Manuel L. Quezon Definitive And Official Stamps) -
Set of 2 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 1c
and 1c "O.B." ----- __ and __)
December 16, 1953: Philippine Medical Association, 50th Anniversary - Set of 2
Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 6c ----- __
and __)
Updated: January 23, 2010
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