Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1955-1956
February 23, 1955: Rotary International, 50th Anniversary - Set of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 13 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 18c, and 50c <Airmail> ----- __ and __,
and __ respectively)
April 1, 1955: Famous Filipinos IV (Father Jose Burgos Definitve And Official Stamps) -
Set of 2 Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 14 x 13 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 10c
and 10c "O.B." ----- __ and __)
May 26, 1955: Labor-Management Congress - Set of 1 Stamp (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 13 x 12 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and __)
July 4, 1955: 9th Anniversary Of The Republic - Set of 3 Stamps (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c, 20c and 30c ----- __, __ and __ respectively)
August 16, 1955: Famous Filipinos V (Lapu-Lapu Definitive And Official Stamps) - Set of 2
Stamps (Definitive Issue / Perforation: 14 x 13 3/4 / Denomination and Quantity: 20c and
20c "O.B." ----- __ and __)
October 20 - December 12, 1955: Lt. Jose Gozar And Lt. Cesar Basa, Filipino World
War II Aviators - Set of 4 Stamps (Airmail Issue / Perforation: 13 / Denomination and Date
of Issue: 20c and 50c <Lt. Gozar> - October 20; 30c and 70c <Lt. Basa> - December 12 / Quantity: __ and
__; __ and __ respectively)
October 20, 1955 |

Lt. Jose Gozar |
December 12, 1955 |

Lt. Cesar Basa |
March 16, 1956: Liberty Wells For Rural Areas - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: 12 1/2 x 13 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 20c ----- __ and __)
August 1, 1956: 5th Annual Conference Of World Confederation Of Organizations For The Teaching
Profession - Set of 1 Overprint Stamp (__ Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and
Quantity: 5c <"WCOTP Conference" on 5c del Pilar Definitive of 1952>, and __)
August 30, 1956: Philippine Red Cross, 50th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 20c ----- __ and __)
October 20, 1956 - February 16, 1957: Leyte Landing, 12th Anniversary - Set of 1 Perforate
Stamp and 1 Imperforate Stamp (__ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 or Imperf. / Denomination and Date of Issue:
5c Perf. - October 20; 5c Imperf. - February 16 / Quantity: __ and __)
November 13, 1956: University Of Santo Tomas, 350th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 11 1/2 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 60c ----- __ and __)
November 28, 1956: Feast Of The Sacred Heart Centenary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 12 / Denomination and Quantity: 5c and 20c ----- __ and __)
December 7, 1956: Coat Of Arms Surcharged - Set of 3 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: 12
/ Denomination and Quantity: 5c on 6c, 5c on 6c and 5c on 6c <Cebu, Zamboanga and Iloilo Coat of Arms Issue of 1951>
----- __, __ and __ respectively)
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