Sports On Selected Philippine Stamps (1954-2005)
1954: Second Asian Games; Set of 3 stamps
1960: 17th Olympic Games, Rome; Set of 4 stamps
1964: 18th Olympic Games, Tokyo; Set of 4 perforate stamps and 4 imperforate pairs of stamps
1965: Second Asian Cycling Championships; Set of 3 stamps
1972: 20th Olympic Games, Munich; Set of 3 stamps
1976: 21st Olympic Games, Montreal; Set of 1 stamp
1978: Sipa Ballgame; Set of 4 se-tenant stamps (B)
1978: Karpov-Korchnoi Chess Championship; Set of 2 stamps
1978: 8th Men's World Basketball Championship; Set of 2 stamps
1981: 11th Southeast Asian Games; Set of 6 stamps
1984: 23rd Olympic Games, Los Angeles; Set of 6 perforate stamps, 6 imperforate stamps, 1 perforate souvenir
sheet and 1 imperforate souvenir sheet
1988: 24th Olympic Games, Seoul; Set of 12 stamps and 1 souvenir sheet
1991: 16th Southeast Asian Games; Set of 4 stamps (2 se-tenant pairs) and 2 souvenir sheets
1991: Basketball Centennial; Set of 4 stamps, 1 perforate souvenir sheet and 1 imperforate souvenir sheet
1992: 30th Chess Olympiad; Set of 3 stamps and 1 imperforate souvenir sheet
1992: 25th Olympic Games, Barcelona; Set of 3 stamps and 1 imperforate souvenir sheet
1993: 17th Southeast Asian Games; Set of 3 se-tenant stamps (S), 3 se-tenant stamps (S) and 1 souvenir sheet
1996: Centenary Of Modern Olympic Games; Set of 4 stamps and 1 souvenir sheet