Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1992
(With Two Pages - Page 2 Link Below)
January 15, 1992: KABISIG (Services And Products) - Set of 4 Stamps (Special Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00, P6.00, P7.00 and P8.00 ----- __, __, __ and __
January 24 - Spetember 22, 1992: Philippine Flowers Series IV (Reissues With "1992" Date) -
Set of 5 Stamps and 5 Se-tenant Blocks of 4 Stamps Each (Definitive Issue / Perforation: __ /
Denomination and Quantity: 60s (P0.60), P1.50, P3.00, P5.00, P10.00, P1.00 x 4, P2.00 x 4, P6.00 x 4, P7.00 x 4 and P8.00
x 4 ----- __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __ and __respectively / Date of Issue: 60s - March 4; P1.50 - March 25; P3.00
- February 10; P5.00 - March 24; P10.00 - September 22; P1.00 - February 10; P2.00 - January 24; P6.00 - February 12; P7.00
- February 27; P8.00 - March 25)
February 7, 1992: Philippine Medicinal Plants - Set of 4 Stamps (Special Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00, P6.00, P7.00 and P8.00 ----- __, __, __ and __ respectively)
February 10, 1992: Greeting Stamps I ("I Love You" / "Mahal Kita") - Set of 4 Se-tenant
Pairs (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 x 2, P6.00 x 2, P7.00
x 2 and P8.00 x 2 ----- __, __, __ and __ respectively)
March 27, 1992: EXPO '92, Seville, Spain - Set of 2 Stamps and 1 Imperforate Souvenir
Sheet (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00, P8.00 and P16.00 ----- __,
__ and __ respectively)
April 12, 1992: Nuestra Senora de la Soledad de Porta Vaga of Cavite, 300th Anniversary - Set
of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and P8.00 ----- 210,000
May 4, 1992: Department Of Agriculture, 75th Anniversary - Set of Se-tenant
Strip of 3 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 x 3 and
May 14, 1992: Manila Jockey Club, Inc., 125th Anniversary - Set of 1 Stamp and
1 Souvenir Sheet (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00
and P8.00 ----- __ and __ respectively)
June 1, 1992: Decade Of Filipino Nationalism IV (Great Filipinos Type Of 1989) - Set of Se-tenant
Strip of 5 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 x 5 and 5,280,000)
June 7, 1992: 30th Chess Olympiad - Set of 2 Stamps and 1 Souvenir Sheet (__
Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00, P6.00 and P16.00 (P8.00 x 2) ----- __, __
and __ respectively)
June 7, 1992 - 30th Chess Olympiad |

Stamps |

Souvenir Sheet |
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June 12, 1992: World War II, 50th Anniversary - Set of 3 Stamps and 2
Souvenir Sheets (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00, P6.00,
P8.00, P16.00 and P16.00 ----- __, __, __, __ and __ respectively)
June 30, 1992: Advocates Of Democracy - Set of 1 Stamp (Special Issue
/ Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and 320,000 )
July 17, 1992: Jose Rizal's Exile To Dapitan Centennial - Set of 2
Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and P2.00 ----- 100,000
July 18, 1992: ASEAN (Association Of SouthEast Asian Nations) 25th Anniversary -
Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and P6.00 ----- 320,000
July 18, 1992: ASEAN Ministerial Meeting And Post Ministerial Conferences - Set of 2
Stamps (Special Issue / Perforation: 14 / Denomination and Quantity: P2.00 and P6.00 ----- __ and __ respectively)
Pages Of Stamp Catalog 1992
Updated: August 11, 2008
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