DENOMINATION: The monetary value of the stamps
ERROR: A mistake in the design of the stamp
ESSAY: The draft design of the stamp which is subject for review by a post office committee
FACE VALUE (FV): The monetary value of the stamp as expressed in the currency of the country
FAKE (STAMP): A stamp whose original design has been altered in order to increase its market value
FAULT: A physical distortion of the stamp such as the following: short perforation, clipped perforation,
a hole on the stamp, an ink mark on the stamp, a tear or a crease
FIAP: "Federation of Inter-Asian Philately;" a governing regional organization of the Federation
International de Philatelie (FIP) which coordinates the activities of national philatelic federations in Asia and promotes
international philatelic exhibitions
FIP: "Federation International de Philatelie;" a governing world philatelic organization with
strong ties with and support from post offices of the world, and which coordinates the activities of various national philatelic
federations and promotes international philatelic exhibitions
FIRST DAY COVER (FDC): A special envelope with a cachet designed for postage use and which bears a
stamp or souvenir sheet that is postmarked with the first-day-of-issue cancellation