1. Philippine Bonsai: 1 s/s ----- ( $ 1.25)
2. Twelve Animals of the Lunar New Year Cycle: Set of 1 m/s of 12v. with labels
in the middle and 2 limited-edition s/s ----- ( $10.50)
3. Christmas: Set of 4v. ( $ 3.00)
4-A. New Year's Greeting Stamps and Year of the Rooster: Set of 2v. and 1 s/s -----
( $ 3.25)
4-B. New Year's Greeting Stamps and Year of the Rooster: Set, 2v. pair (4v.) and
2 s/s ----- ( $ 6.50)
4-C. New Year's Greeting Stamps and Year of the Rooster: Set, 2v. pair (4v.) with top
selvages which show the issue's title ("New Year's Greeting Stamps) and 1 s/s ----- ( $ 4.50)
4-D. New Year's Greeting Stamps and Year of the Rooster: Set, 2v. pair with bottom
selvages which show the issue's title ("Year of the Rooster") and 1 s/s ----- ( $ 4.50)
4-E. New Year's Greeting Stamps and Year of the Rooster: Set, 2 blocks of 4 (8v.)
and 2 s/s ----- ( $ 8.75)
5. Native Orchids: Set of 1 se-tenant block of 4v. ----- ( $ 1.25)
6-A. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Endangered Philippine Owls: Set of
1 se-tenant block of 4v. with selvage which shows the WWF logo ----- ( $ 1.25)
6-B. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Endangered Philippine Owls: Set
of 1 se-tenant strip of 4v. with selvage which shows the WWF logo, issue's title and plate number ----- ( $ 1.75)
6-C. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Endangered Philippine Owls: Pair
set of se-tenant blocks of 4v. each (8v.) with top selvage which shows the WWF logo, issue's title and plate
number ----- ( $ 2.75)
6-D. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Endangered Philippine Owls:
Set of 1 m/s of 16v. with WWF logo, issue's title and plate number ----- ( $ 4.50)