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Quiz III - Motivation, Emotion and Learning

A Short Quiz on Motivation, Emotion and Learning
(General Psychology / Introduction To Psychology)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The quiz consists of 3 pages.

PART I - Items 1 - 5 : MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.

_____ 1. All things being equal, which is the most powerful motive?:

A. food hunger
B. thirst
C. air hunger
D. sex drive

_____ 2. The following statements express the "curiosity need" except:

A. A tourist gets satisfaction from finding new places in a country he visits.
B. A child is very interested in and plays, constantly, with a toy which her mother gave the other day.
C. A student finds time to read other books besides the required textbook for a course subject.
D. A young boy buys more stamps in order to build his collection.

_____ 3. Heart rate is to electrocardiograph as electrical skin response is to ____________________.

A. lie detector
B. galvanometer
C. sphygmomanometer
D. x-ray

_____ 4. Which statement best expresses the "nurturance need"?:

A. A mother takes care of her child.
B. A teacher decides to have a drink with his friend.
C. A young adult seeks a partner in work.
D. A student joins a campus organization.

_____ 5. Which need does not belong to the group?:

A. need to be of "good standing" in the community
B. need to ally oneself with the familiar
C. need to excel in one's chosen field of sports
D. need to be competent in work

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