General Psychology Test
Reviewer I
(General Psychology /
Introduction To Psychology)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The test consists of 7 pages.
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your
sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.
_____ 1. The Greek word "psyche" means:
B. body
C. heart
D. study
_____ 2. This school of thought stresses the role of reward and punishment in shaping
behavior. This is :
A. psychoanalysis
B. purposivism
C. functionalism
D. behaviorism
_____ 3. This method of research relies heavily on information obtained from therapeutic
sessions. This is called the :
A. clinical method
B. biographical method
C. experimental method
D. survey
_____ 4. In fertilization, the sperm cell and the egg cell unite to form the :
B. embryo
C. ovum
D. zygote
_____ 5. It means pattern or configuration. It is called :
A. perception
C. illusion
D. object
_____ 6. He established the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879.
He was :
A. Rene Descartes
B. Gustav Fechner
C. Hermann von Helmholtz
D. Wilhelm Wundt
_____ 7. According to Freud, human behavior is greatly influenced by :
A. repressed
B. sensory experiences
C. conscious mental processes
D. environmental factors
_____ 8. Consumer psychology and business psychology find application in :
business firms
B. industries
C. commercial firms
D. all of the choices