_____19. Which theory of personality does not belong to the group? :
A. Erikson's psycho-social
B. Jung's introversion-extraversion theory
C. Freud's psychoanalytic theory
D. none of the choices
_____20. A student obtained scores of 130 and 137 in an I.Q. test that was administered
on two different occasions. The I.Q. test is said to be :
A. adequate
B. reliable
C. valid
D. not valid
_____21. Classical conditioning is to Ivan Pavlov as operant conditioning is to :
Albert Bandura
B. Wolfgang Kohler
C. E.L. Thorndike
D. B.F. Skinner
_____22. This theory states that the experience of emotion is a function of the individual's
assessment of the emotion-producing situation. This is the :
A. James-Lange theory
B. self theory
C. Cannon-Bard
D. cognitive theory
_____23. A mentally-ill person who exhibits extreme mood swings is suffering from :
B. anxiety reactions
C. phobic reactions
D. obsessive-compulsive behavior
_____24. The concepts listed below are related to one another except :
A. withdrawal
B. free nerve endings
C. warmth
D. noxious stimulation
_____25. One of these neurotic reactions does not involve the process by which anxiety is
transformed into bodily symptoms or physiological disturbances. This is :
A. obsession
B. psychosomatic symptom
D. hypochondriasis
_____26. It is the location of the taste buds most sensitive to sweet taste. This is the
A. base of the tongue
B. side of the tongue
C. tip of the tongue
D. top of the tongue
_____27. Which type of conflict is the easiest to resolve? :
A. approach-approach
C. avoidance-avoidance
D. multiple conflict