_____28. Learning is said to have occurred when :
A. response is acquired
B. attention
is directed to a task
C. response is reinforced
D. behavior is applied to different situations
_____29. Which reaction occurs in both love and anger? :
A. withdrawal
B. blushing
D. increase in skin temperature
_____30. Jean Piaget's formal operational stage corresponds to Sigmund Freud's :
anal stage
B. oral stage
C. genital stage
D. phallic stage
_____31. Operant conditioning deals with behavior :
A. that is passive
B. that
is a product of cognitive processes
C. that affects the environment
D. that is automatic
_____32. Goose pimples occur when a person is in an emotional state of :
A. fear
C. anger
D. grief
_____33. The structure of the ear that gathers sound-waves and funnels them down to the
auditory canal is the :
A. pinna
B. cochlea
C. tympanum
D. oval window
_____34. According to Freud, this is the defense mechanism that a healthy individual uses.
This is :
A. sublimation
B. rationalization
C. fantasy
D. reaction formation