Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1960
(Text Description Only)
February 8, 1960: Philippine Constitution, 25th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative
<6c> and Airmail <30c> Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6c and
30c ----- <Book of the Constitution of the Philippines on Triangle Stamps>)
April 7, 1960: World Refugee Year - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: __
/ Denomination and Image: 6c and 25c ----- <Sunset at Manila Bay and Uprooted Oak Emblem>)
May 2, 1960: Famous Filipinos X (Jose Abad Santos Definitive) - Set of 1 Stamp (Definitive Issue
/ Perforation: 13 1/4 / Denomination and Image: 2c and <Jose Abad Santos>)
May 2, 1960: Philippine Air Force, 25th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Airmail
Issue / Perforation: 14 x 14 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 10c and 20c ----- <Philippine Air Force
July, 1960: Surcharges - Set of 3 Stamps (Denomination and Image: 1c
on 18c Jaycees Issue of 1950; 5c on 18c Rotary Club Issue of 1955; and 10c on 18c Philippine Postage Centenary Issue of 1954)
July 29, 1960: Philippine Tuberculosis Society, 50th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative Issue
/ Perforation: 13 1/4 / Denomination and Image: 5c and 6c ----- <Philippine Tubercolosis Society's
Cross Emblem>)
August 19, 1960: Anti-TB Surcharged Semi-Postal (With "Help Prevent TB") - Set of 1 Stamp (Denomination
and Image: 6c + 5c on 5c + 5c Anti-TB Semi-Postal <Quezon Institute> Issue of 1958)
September 16, 1960: Surcharges - Set of 2 Stamps (Denomination and Image: 5c on 18c Declaration
of Philippine Independence Issue of 1954 and 10c on 18c Baguio Conference Issue of 1950)
November 15, 1960: Manuel L. Quezon Definitive - Set of 1 Stamp (Definitive Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 1c and <Manuel Quezon>)
November 30, 1960: 17th Olympic Games, Rome - Set of 4 Stamps (Special
<6c, 10c> and Airmail <30c, 70c> Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image:
6c <Basketball>, 10c <Track and Field - Running>, 30c <Shooting> and 70c <Swimming>)
December 30, 1960: State Visit Of President Eisenhower - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6c and 20c <Presidential Seals and Presidents Eisenshower
and Garcia>)
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