Philippine Postage Issues - Year 1961
(Text Description Only)
January 23 - February 23, 1961: Manila Postal Conference - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative
<6c> and Airmail <30c> Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6c and 30c
----- and <Mercury and Globe> / Date of Issue: 6c - January 23; 30c - February 23)
February 16, 1961: Antonio Luna Surcharged - Set of 1 Stamp (Denomination
and Image: 20c on 25c and <25c Luna Definitive of 1958>)
May 2, 1961: 2nd National Boy Scout Jamboree Surcharged - Set of 4 Stamps (Denomination
and Image: 10c on 6c + 4c Yellow; 30c on 25c + 5c Yellow; 10c on 6c + 4c White and 30c on 25c + 5c White ----- <6c
+ 4c and 25c + 5c Yellow and White of the Boy Scout Issue of 1959>)
June 16, 1961: De La Salle College, 50th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps (Commemorative
Issue / Perforation: 11 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 6c and 10c ----- <De La Salle College,
June 19 and December 30, 1961: Jose Rizal Birth Centenary - Set of 5 Stamps or Set
of 4 Stamps and Set of 1 Stamp (Commemorative Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image:
5c <Rizal as Student>, 6c <Rizal's Birthplace - Calamba, Laguna>, 10c <Rizal and Parents>, 20c <Rizal
with Luna and Hidalgo in Madrid> and 30c <Rizal's Execution and Heroism> / Date of Issue: 5c, 6c, 10c and 20c - June
19; 30c - December 30)
July 4, 1961: 15th Anniversary Of The Republic - Set of 2 Stamps (Denomination
and Image: "IKA 15 KAARAWAN Republika ng Pilipinas Hulyo 4, 1961" Overprint on 6c and 25c SEATO Issue of 1959)
August 19, 1961: Anti-TB Semi-Postal - Set of 1 Stamp (Semi-Postal Issue
/ Perforation: 11 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 6c + 5c and <Roxas Memorial TB Pavilion>)
October 8, 1961: Colombo Plan - Set of 2 Stamps (__ Issue / Perforation: 13
x 11 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 5c and 6c ----- <Colombo Plan Emblem and Globe>)
November 30, 1961: Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation, Golden Jubilee - Set of 1
Stamp (Denomination and Image: 6c on 10c and <"PAAF GOLDEN JUBILEE" Overprint on 10c Philippine Air
Force Issue of 1960>)
December 9, 1961: Government Employee's Association - Set of 2 Stamps (__
Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 5c and 10c ----- <Government Clerk on Diamond-Shaped
December 30, 1961: Macapagal-Pelaez Inauguration - Set of 1 Stamp (Denomination
and Image: 6c on 25c and <"MACAPAGAL-PELAEZ INAUGURATION DEC. 30, 1961" Overprint on 25c Capiz Seal Issue of 1959>)
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