January 23, 1962: Anti-TB Semi-Postal Surcharged - Set of 1 Stamp (Denomination and Image:
6s on 5c + 5c and <6s Surcharge on 5c + 5c Anti-TB Semi-Postal Issue of 1958>)
January 23, 1962: Special Delivery - Set of 1 Stamp (Special Delivery Issue
/ Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 20c and <Manila Central Post Office and Hand with
March 9, 1962: Philippine Orchids - Set of 1 Se-tenant Block of 4 Perforated Stamps
and 1 Imperforate Block of 4 Stamps (Special Issue / Perforation: 13 1/2 x 14 or Imperf. /
Denomination and Image: <Perf. and Imperf.> - 5c <Waling-Waling>, 6c <White Mariposa>, 10c <Sander's
Dendrobe> and 20c <Sanggumay>)
May 13, 1962: New Famous Filipinos I (Apolinario Mabini Definitive) - Set
of 1 Stamp (Definitive Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 3s and <Apolinario
June 12, 1962: President Diosdado Macapagal Oath-Taking - Set of 3 Stamps (__
Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 6s, 10s and 30s ----- <President Macapagal